Kia Ora Bloggers We went on a trip to Sculpture on the shore it was an really big place it had Alot of Statues even an underground tunnel filled with amazing art there was lots that you may know Like Mauis Hook it was 10 feet tall or even taller which is incredible but if i had to have a favourite it would be this, Sit With Me Dog.
Life Education
Kia Ora Bloggers Today Harold The Giraffe Came to our school today it was really fantastic as Grace (The owner) Taught us about Our health and stress when your stress you cannot think so sometime you have Talk with your family, Take a drink of water or take some time by your self. Those are some solutions you can try when your stress.
Rube Goldberg
Hello guys today we did rube Goldbergs but first let me tell you about the creator his name was Reuben Lucius he created cartoons to which is cool and he made some machines that made it wipe his face.
The Trudging Bear
Kia Ora Bloggers me and Kauri were the trudging bear lets read my one. The trudging bear: Slowly a young bear trudged through the misty mountain he looks around incase a predator comes out he pulls out his pocket knife but he looks around trying to find his way home to the golden palace he starts to hike his way to the palace he, thinks that he will never make as he regrets that he’s going without his parents but he remember 3 words that his parents say Never, Give, Up he gets rid of the bad mindset now he’s on his way to find the golden palace.